This website was originally published at a different domain and there's been updates to this story. The state attorney general has sued the management company & then the management sued the state to try to prevent their business records from being scrutinized by the gov't (yes, I'm sure the gov't understands their business records contain sensitive information about vulnerable, disadvantaged people, just in the event somebody figures to make that argument) but there's been numerous violations by the managers for maintenance issues long before any of the current sensationalism regarding the property.
Video of Denver 7 News additional coverage of CBZ Management's code violation history. Aired Sep 20, 2024. (You might have to unmute audio.)
The original content of this webpage below. The short video is of the callbox in my (old) apartment complex that shows it misprogrammed for my access. A minor issue but it was most likely a deliberate action by the management because there was an ongoing point to coerce me to go talk to the managers in person. I'm a disabled person under federal law & a veteran (and experienced trauma in my life) but my gov't housing assistance was obviously a point of contention with the managers. They felt no need whatsoever to maintain the payment records on my account so I could utilize the online rent payment portal like other residents could. I instead had to take the bus to buy money orders which put me at greater risk of being a victim of violent crime. It frightened me since it was obvious that was what they wanted, to humilate me at put me in vulnerable position. I'm supposed to be cool & tough & ready to hand to hand combat or whatever that anyone else doesn't really have to be since we're supposed to live in a civil society. ... Oh, this site is mirrored at &
No, I'm not Charlie Kirk, nor do I need to be, & rather not be actually since he's just a young blowhard who knows nothing of the real world. Make no mistake, when I was his age I worked for a living... not just bitching about anything & everything that doesn't even necessarily have anything to do with me (like he does). I did work that was strenuous & dangerous & not everybody was nice to me ... I worked with men who could be downright cruel, saying anything to try to push my buttons, even saying that I was "ugly". (I have a not uncommon facial deformity that was, or at least seemed, more rare decades ago.) One of my supervisors would even start pawing at my face with his dirty hands after stopping our work for no other reason than to fuck with me. He wanted me to physically assault him so he could have something to talk about and get some paid time off work. I was physically abused by a high school teacher & was bullied by older students. I dropped out & went & got a GED & my father was so pissed that he kicked me out. I started working in construction before eighteen so I could afford to drive since there wasn't much public transportation back then. I went into the military because there were people in my social circle who wanted nothing more than to "help me" destroy my life so they'd feel ok with destroying theirs. I did construction plumbing, was my main gig as a civilian, and I did that work with a minor physical disability due to my reconstructed ankle that was performed by a man sporting a silver oak leaf on his collar & was a US Navy surgeon. I even tried telling the managers who I refer to here about the apartment that I was in prior to this event. My previous apartment was a two year old building that failed inspection because of maintenance issues in common areas.
The landlords can see legal documentation that I am a disabled person & a honorable discharged veteran and they proceeded to treat me like dirt, laughing at me because there wasn't anything I could do. My HUD case manager even told me once that he recommended that I speak to the managers as little as possible but the managers want attention and are immature so they will make every point to waste time and lure me into their offices as entrapment. Young men typically won't understand misandrist abuse and sympathize with people who, if the circumstance were reversed in gender roles, they would be appalled since I'd be describing women tenants who suffered trauma in their lives being harassed by male managers. Would it be appropriate for two men who were managing an apartment building to lure a woman tenant into their office and have a coworker stand in the doorway, blocking the egress to the small office? My counselors explained to me the problem, that if somebody made a move to physically touch me & I move away then my reaction could be "misconstrued" as aggression. I use quotes since that is the excuse given (typically) when in truth it's the person's embarrassment for their faux pas solecism. It sounds paranoid but there is the point that if something were to happen like that, however remote it may seem, then the result would be my reality then so it frightens me that these people considered me as an object who they could toy with at will. They were sociopaths. There are laws that are supposed to keep them in check, is the point, but then people want to discuss who is at fault (politically) which does nothing but proliferate the actual real problem. The management companies have high turn over rate too so maybe some of them don't like the way the businesses operate.
Also for context here, I did tell the managers about the prior fiasco in the apartment I had lived in before I lived in the unit that is the topic in this page but instead of the people being cool with the fact that the management did work on the broken door (as I was moving out), the women managers wanted the other residents to think that I was the epitome of a worthless bum ... when I've done work in my life that many people would refuse to do ... and I've been violently attacked in my life ... and have lived in adult group homes with people who were victims of atrocious child abuse, and rape victims, who appreciated me since I couldn't see them as inferior to me in any way. They were people who'd be mistreated out in society too, because of the way they looked, not all perfect & young like Charlie Kirk. He came up on my radar and wouldn't have ... dudes like him are a dime a dozen & flash-in-the-pans, so I won't pay attention. He said something that was incredibly offensive that disrespected disabled people so I ventured to see what he was about and discovered that he was about a d'bag so I went and spent thirteen dollars to buy this domain. Maybe Charlie Kirk's world will become like Stephen King's novella, "Langoliers", and he'll understand the posit.
The video is of the result of my requesting a code for the callbox in my (old) apartment building when I renewed my lease for what would be my third year in my unit. I was attempting to explain to the HUD employee that the request I made about the callbox was what caused me to give up on the apartment since it was obvious to me that the management was going to use any opportunity to lure me back into their office. Of course it would seem like I'm too critical of them (it's just a minor error... their so busy & all that, right?) ... or maybe I'm grandiose, thinking that they'd go out of their way to deliberately cause me to have to go in to talk with them again ... they have too much to do than to purposefully cause themselves to need to take time to correct the issue for me. Well, that's the very point ... I'm supposed to give in and sympathize with the company. I must be exaggerating, right? I mean, these people are mature adults and are running a large, 150 unit apartment complex so they aren't out to get me or anything! Unless the company makes it a policy to hire unemployed residents to work with them, or the previous managers (which worked for the corporation that owns the building) did and the subcontracting management company just continued the practice, or they shared that in common. In any event, there were people that both lived in the complex and worked there. There was one, Phill Wright, who was younger than me and obviously out of the homeless community, that moved in when I did and began working for the owners as a custodian. When Syringa took over management he was fired a few months later. I seen him in the elevator as he was wheeling his large utility trash can & cleaning supplies up to his apartment when he told me about him getting fired. I never seen him again.
With the callbox issue there would be an opportunity for them to belittle me, or mock or ridicule me ... oh, I must be exaggerating or maybe I'm just too sensitive. < It would be too easy and too tempting for them to immediately assume (or feign to assume) that it must be me who doesn't know how to work the gadget. There'd be opportunity for one of them to coerce me into working the machine in their presence, huddled up beside me to see what I'm doing (wrong), and then it's small escalation for them initiate physical contact. The word "initiate" is significant here since it's form of the word "initiation", and that can be defined as "the action of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society or group", or "the action of beginning something". Of course it could be argued here that I'm seeing way to much into all of it (again, it must be grandiosity on my part), but it's here that I must point out that all of that was explained to me by a 5½' Black man, who was a bit nerdy but sported a masters degree in social work from Regis (Jesuit) College, which is a local prestigious school that specializes in human services fields. He also would make a point to tell me and his other clients that he did not consider a person's ability to articulate themselves (or have a good vocabulary) as a indication of their intelligence. In his forty+ years of working in the field he inherently understood what this article points out about trauma: Trauma Blocks the Frontal Lobes – "Verbal Physiotherapy" Can Unblock Them - Mad In America.
I understand the phenomena that I experience in conversations where I make a valid point and it's clear that I'm understood but the person won't admit to that and continues to argue with me. It becomes apparent to me that the point is to frustrate me or get me to make some concession (more on that later), or sympathize with them as a way to resolve the issue. (Humble people can be self-effacing as a way to ease tension, or exonerate others to resolve conflict, etc., but then that same exhibited humility can be misconstrued or exaggerated by an abusive, immature person.) The callbox fiasco is a good example since, while in close physical proximity with some employee of the management company, they could put the hand on my shoulder (which is belittling, and again, an action that people may undertake which my counselor talked to me about) but during the process I could be stigmatized as being inept with technology. That doesn't seem bad, in & of itself, but there's a stigma there and so any other issue that I may have that involved technology it would be assumed that I'm at fault. It would be one thing if it was just a couple management people who thought that, of course they'd know it wasn't true but they'd have fodder for there narrative ... stigmatize me as being ungrateful, feeling entitled, etc., and there still was the unresolved issue of them not keeping the online rent payment portal accurate for me so I could use it on a consistent basis. It became obvious that I was expected to visit their office at the beginning of the month so they could talk out loud about my personal finances for anyone to hear. At the very same time they will allude to the issue of confidentiality when going through the lease, etc., by mentioning that there are possibly victims of domestic violence there and the like, but explaining it like it wouldn't be me that needs to be protected from anyone (oh, quite the opposite, by their perspective!) ... I'm fair game, it would seem. The preceding point was explained to me by my old counselor as being an issue of bias and accepted gender role expectations, but people will often harbor a "Just World" bias, to where they need to see something disreputable about a (white) person that fell on hard times, so as to make it more palatable. If I become defensive in a conversation then my response could be misconstrued as me feeling guilty, or what-have-you. That point was also brought up by my counselor, and he even used the term "Fundamental attribution error". There would be a point for the management to garner reinforcement of their stereotyping me ... I'm just weak or whatever, so any trauma that I've experienced wasn't that big of deal, etc.
I'd think it'd be obvious that what I'm afraid of is that while in the proximity of other tenants the manager would exclaim that I'm "having problems paying my rent", or that I don't know how to use the online payment app ... stigmatize me as being an imbecile that's never bothered attempting to do anything difficult. I'm a veteran so if they can make me out to be dumb or foolish then the most natural conclusion people would arrive at is that I must be prone to violence, but maybe I'm to dumb to be that self-aware to know that. The problem is that people of my demographic (disabled by what the ADA designates as "mental impairment") are susceptible to vigilante type of violent physical attacks, that is reflected in statistics, and there's been numorous articles written about the issue with some even published in peer-reviewed academic trade journals. That risk exists for me as it is so I don't need added factors. I'm a nice, polite person and that's a serious problem for some people.
I make a point to advocate for people who've been traumatized and are vulnerable and marginalized. I've lived in adult group home type facilities with women who were rape victims and people who were raised in voltile drug-ring families. One thing we were taught is to paraphrase others so they would know they were understood, as well as other socially beneficial habits. I'm on the telephone with this woman who is employed by the state gov't (where I paid taxes to while serving active duty in the US Navy since I didn't change my home residence) ... but this woman, Karla, is a HUD civil rights specialist ... and she is interrupting me & outright badgering me! The most memorable questions she asked me was "Why would the sign on the trash chute room door (that threatens $100 fines for trash bags left in the room when the chute is full) be discrimination?" It wouldn't only affect me, was her point. So in that question she condones the company threatening the fines when it's an arbitrary amount that would easily be levied disproportionality (I went over that point with her), but I told her that it's a contrivance (and I had a problem saying the word correctly ... I shouldn't be required to talk to these people to just make a legitimate complaint), but I told her it was like a device for them to use to coerce me into discussing the trash problem with them. I tried explaining to her that my counselor (holding a masters in social work) is the one that talked to me about that kind of thing that managers will do. Again, people assume that they are always mature, reasonable people, and their posit to discredit me to satisfy their need to feel superior is disrespectful to the people with masters degrees and doctorates who spent some of their time & effort to help me. (Ad hominem)
I only went into the sign about the "$100 trash fine" as a way to cover some of the history involved with my discrimination complaint. I think I might've mentioned something about the online rent payment portal issue too, but I was upset by that point since I didn't understand why she was asking questions in the tone of voice that was accusatory. The other memorable question(s) that she asked was about the other complaint I made to HUD. I said that I put in a complaint to HUD (U.S.) that was denied at the third tier, at regional level†, and I did an internet search for the woman that denied that one since I put a lot of work into the process. I told Karla that what I found out about the U.S. HUD employee scared me since the woman's daughter received a double mastectomy as a young woman in a transgender experiment. Karla actually replied "What does that have to do with your complaint?" ... I said that "the woman obviously has her agenda. She violated her own daughter's civil rights." The idea that there could be an employee exhibiting clear conflict-of-interest is completely alien to these people!
† Karla interjected after I said my complaint was denied by exclaiming that "they're higher than us" which is fallacy of "appeal to authority" ... which of course has been diluted in its meaning; but my argument to any controversy over the definition is that when there exists an absolute authority than there's no denying, by anyone, that it's the authority. Of course anyone could still argue, for the sake of debate, but then there becomes an argument that is indicative of the rudimentary philosophy of "Form Theory" to where everything has its own perfect form ("things just are the way that they are and there is no getting around that", type thing, when applied to our modern world) and the point is to figure out how an individual can accept that since nobody can really change anything. Well, at least not me, at any rate.
It all was confusing to me since my actual current complaint was that the manager had signed a state gov't form where she agreed that the management company was violating the lease. I included a copy of the signed form. My complaint of discrimination was regarding the fact that it was something that was considered acceptable that they were violating the lease (with the sign posted that threatened a "$100 trash fine"...) and it all implied that if I took issue with the perpetual threat then I had to move. Simple as that. I'm a disabled person and yet it's agreed by all these people that I need to physically move to another apartment rather than them removing a piece of paper that is taped to a door. That's the basics of the overall issue at this point, anyway. In the following section of this page I will supply copies of some of the relevant documents with brief summaries of the context.
The crux of the current complaint was this document that the manager signed & I submitted where I gave my reasons for the 30-day Notice as:
To me the discrimination is obvious in that this is all apparently acceptable business practice that's being performed by a state regulated and licensed reality company that is supposed to be ethical. (I mean, WTH?)
Copy of the 'Request for reasonable accommodations' letter that my doctor supplied me with to submit to the management (as per the suggestion of a HUD employee). When I submitted the request to the manager she insisted that I visit their office on the first of the month (when they'd be busy) and show her what I saw on the online rent payment portal. She could look at their system and read off to me the payments that I made and even stated that she could see the duplicate payments that I made, and needed to make in order to cover the actual amount I was supposed to pay.
Termination of Contact Letter that I received from HUD on account of my website about Miki Alex Manigault. The sender stated that he contacted federal law enforcement to investigate me for "cyberstalking".
Copy of the Colorado Div of Housing check that the owners had me meet with them in their office to show me.
They weren't accounting for the state's payments to them and so I couldn't use the online rent payment portal like the other residents could. I submitted my discrimination complaint because I even tried writing a letter to their main office that I sent certified mail and instead of solving the problem they sent one of the actual checks that they received at their main office in Georgia back to Colorado just to show me. They didn't complete the step of submitting the 'Electronic Funds Transfer' form that was provided to them along with the original HUD approval verification documents.
What happened?:
I completed the process of moving into an apartment using my Section 8 voucher that I received through the VA VASH program and I was waiting for the property mngr to complete the set up of the online portal payment system for my account. After a month (and after I asked about it in person) I was sent an email that had the link for the portal. My apt has a separate charge for electricity, or will have, so I set up an automatic monthly payment with a maximum amount of $99 above my portion. The management didn't input the adjusted amount that I was to pay for my portion of (base) rent. I let it go another month since it's a new bldg and I do appreciate that it's an additional step for them.
The account began showing a "Past Due" amount ($7) even though I had actually overpaid. I didn't figure out the exact amount that I've overpaid at that point since what I would owe is actually dependent on knowing amount of separate electricity payment. I assumed that they had an corporate accounting dept that'd update and maintain that aspect of their commitment. I spoke to the manager again and took copies of the email from the state HUD rep that listed the initial gov't portion payment amount(s) < it included a pro-rated amount for first month. I also included a copy of an attached document from the state, titled "EFT Form Instructions" since the feature may have been overlooked. The mngr said that the issue would be resolved.
It wasn't resolved and it went into the "Past Due" stage; next would be late fees, and instead of being "settled in" I have this hanging over me that is difficult for me to talk to people about since their tendency is to assume that the property management is professional so if there's a payment issue then it's something to do with my responsibility. The whole situation puts me at physical risk and I shouldn't have to attempt to explain my reasoning; but not to mince words there's the generic term "gov't welfare" which can incite vigilantism. I'm labeled "schizophrenic" so the stigma and stereotyping that it all (possibly) generates gets overwhelming. (I was a victim of a few violent, unprovoked attacks when I was younger which is not uncommon for my demographic.)
I sent a personal check for my rent amount portion to the management company's out-of-state corporate office with an one-page letter explaining the problem. I also requested that I not have to talk to the on-site manager directly about the issue again. I explained exactly why I was making that request, for my safety. I specifically pointed out that I can be stigmatized as being physically aggressive and potentially violent which causes violence toward me. That request was not honored by the company.
I was called into the on-site office where the manager had the letter I sent along with the (uncashed) rent check that I included. Their pkg that the corporate office returned also included a (original, unprocessed) check from my state's Div of Hsng for June 2022 gov't portion rent payment for my voucher. The check also included the amount for a payment for another Section 8 recipient in my complex. The manager offered me a copy of the check with the list of two recipients and I accepted. When I looked at that copy later I realized that the check wasn't just for my accnt and had the other recipients name as well. I get overwhelmed with their impropriety.
I was taught to not allow myself to be culturally intimidated and my tactic is to offer to make "the" call to police if that is necessary; that eliminates their using police as a threat (of physical violence) towards me. I had a copy of the account payment history and the email from HUD with the amounts so I was prepared to explain to police. There is a critical point here that I need to include: when I went and sat down in the office a male maintenance employee stepped into the door frame to ... well, I can only speculate but there's the male ego and instinct to "protect the women".
Why do you believe you are being discriminated against?:
I'm on disability because of psychiatric condition and between that fact, and the Section 8 housing assistance, I believe that bias and jealousy incites property management company employees to want to intimidate, humiliate, and shame me. I see it as result of cultural pressure and greed. The latter allegation is based on that it becomes obvious that the management company isn't fully prepared for the workload but it scapegoats the clientele since there's not much incentive to prevent them from exploiting the (powerless) class or caste of residents in a gov't subsidized complex. They can get away with being negligent and rely on cultural sympathy - "they're just working people too, trying to make a living and the gov't welfare system is a hardship for them in that quest".
All of that in itself is not real reason for a complaint until when it gets to the point where that bias causes landlords to skirt the requirements of the Housing Assistance Payments (Section 8) contract, and then even outright violates the "tenant is not responsible for gov't portion of rent" by admitting that that part is understood but, in action, the management company will not apply the received money from gov't subsidy correctly and timely. Instead of taking care of their business in a mature, professional manner they don't pass up an opportunity to torment me with an exaggerated display for me to appreciate their burden of dealing with the gov't requirements and paperwork. Again, that in itself isn't complaint worthy, but this manager made a point to show me a check they received for my subsidy that the gov't sent to their corporate office in another state and then coerced me to say the amounts of my portion and gov't portion out loud so other potential residents that were waiting could hear. At that point it becomes obvious that they're making an example out of me (strongly put) or making a ceremony out of an otherwise standard procedure as a way to retaliate for my disapproval and complaint to their corporate office.
Another critical point is the fact that the corporate office mailed the state's check halfway across our country instead of just processing it where it was originally received. What could be the point of that action other than to make exaggerated show of propriety in spite of their additional burden - it was passive-aggressive (passive aggressive? There's some rule about the hyphen) or "reproachful" is the word that I believe to be accurate for that behavior.
I didn't see the other check that was described in the state's HUD representative's email - a pro-rated first month combined with gov't portion for second month. As I mentioned, there was a point to coerce me into sharing my personal information out loud to where I could be overheard. I was put in an awkward and demeaning position; that was a deliberate, intentional posit of the management and it really is the additional time and effort that it took for them to do that revealed their intent to shame me and that is incredibly frightening for me. I do my best to be efficient myself and not "waste people's time" but I feel like that's transparent so there's a point to teach me that even that isn't up to me. They'll undermine my posit of independence when given the opportunity.
One thing that was specifically taught (not just to me) in the mental health system is to be wary of arbitrary changes to standard procedure or "special circumstances" posit since it's meant to demean and humiliate and degrade - singling a person out is an isolating posit and meant to oppress ... (for more on the "subjugation" posit see:
(second tier, federal level)
How exactly are you being treated differently because of your disabilities?
Even though I was correct in my assessment of the issue and was handling it in a respectful manner (even by their admittance, at first) they obviously concluded that they could upset me enough to be able to continue with the position of levying the fine at their discretion.
I am intelligent but I can have difficulty expressing myself verbally and can become frustrated and intimidated. Reference: I believe that becomes obvious. (This is a recording of me speaking at the State Senate Committee hearing for the "red flag law". I had no notes with me there:
She had time to see the (never folded) copy of the notice that I reprinted with inserted text of the state law at top of it, and yet she still proceeded to want to talk with me about it so there gets to be a "cultural appropriation" posit to where they want to counsel me. I also asked her if she had a bachelors degree and she said yes but I think she lied. A person would tend to throw in the school, (wouldn't they?). If she lied she did so because she feels that she can get away with that with me. She perceived me as inferior even though I was right.
When I had issues with their online payment portal not accounting for the state's payments for months, the prior manager here, Ms. Collins, wouldn't fix it. The last time I asked the prior mngr to fix it she exclaimed "you don't have to pay anything" ... The point is that it is a cultural position to treat me as inferior but in their profession they at least need to review their own work. The discrimination gets to be multifaceted and so it is just easier for people to pass it off as my fault, somehow, just dismiss me enough and it's all a moot point. I recognize the fact that the company's training of their employees isn't adequate and I pointed that out to in my previous complaints, but that was dismissed, so the bias is cultural. Again, the discrimination is multifaceted. (It's not for me to tell any of you your job.) I was invited down into their office so they could show me this check from the state (that was mailed to Georgia and then mailed back here) colo-div-of-housing-chk.pdf and I am most likely the only person that they have done that with here. It has been ongoing, is the point, and I have plenty of documentation to substantiate that claim. In the past someone like me wouldn't be able to stay organized enough.
Everyone who is being paid to do a job that causes them to interact with me has their own personal bias that I have to contend with. (Have you ever read Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Mr. -----? I have. If you haven't then maybe you are not qualified to accurately assess this equal rights complaint ... if you haven't read it then your very first thought would be that you don't need to. I must be inferior to you in some way or I wouldn't need to be appealing to you in this way otherwise.)
I do my best to be cordial and handle issues in traditional accepted process; first take the issue directly to the person directly involved, then their superior(s), then outside the company, organization, etc.; but then that posit becomes obvious to ALL OF YOU and the cultural reaction is to to teach me that none of that will work in my case. (Some of the dedicated & educated people in the human services fields that helped me have passed away. It is blatant and purposeful disrespect of them to continue dismissing my complaints as invalid.) The pdf document of the last rejection from you for 707126 was corrupted and I couldn't open it. I replied with that information but never received a replacement. I did not see a way to request a copy. Your system is not adequate. You should have already been aware of that. You may take issue with me being critical of you and choose to deny this complaint because of that. That would be the epitome of bias and if you cannot accept that then your job is perfunctory. You have already wasted taxpayer money by denying my previous complaints. It's like this game with this complaint process to where I have to pinpoint a simple and palatable reason that wouldn't be insulting to you. I was taught, by a person with a college education, that any time people in some professional position (like a landlord) makes a point to treat me differently and "special" then that is discrimination. That person worked in the field of mental health. Your position was that the person was wrong (or I made that up) but I most definitely would've included that information in a previous complaint about them showing me that check. (I also would've included the word "ceremony".) After I submit this I will go back and verify that claim. If I did and this is denied as invalid then that means to me (and people in the mental health field would agree) that you obviously discriminate too. (When I was called in to see that check that was a threat of violence to me, it compromised my safety - you think I exaggerate? I have been a victim of violent crimes in my past but the point was to treat me the opposite of the way just about anyone else would be treated and that wasn't considered as being discrimination.)
There is always the immediate assumption by everyone that if there is some issue it's my fault somehow and the point is to get me to concede to that. My online portal account was reflecting that I owed over a grand to them since they wouldn't account for the state's payments, I contacted HUD rep and he emailed a ledger and it was ignored. I broke down and bent some other young lady manager's ear about it and the person that I'm putting this complaint in about is the one who did, at least, fix that part. There was still a misapplied payment from the state that gave me a credit but the first month pro-rate wasn't correct. I had itemized it out correctly (and included the formula) and it accounted for the state's pro-rate payment ... I emailed that and she (Vanessa) ignored it and I took down a print-out to show her and she glanced at it & said "I already have that" ... It wasn't until one day I went down there (Dec 9 to ink-sign the lease for HUD audit) and she wasn't there when Sean fixed the strange credit issue and pro-rate ... BUT even he made an assumption that I was wrong ... there were two money orders for my first month's payment since I just covered the whole month .. I am defensive about that here because yes, I actually covered the state's portion to move in - I was in crisis because my last apt failed inspection and the state's payments were going to stop - I am expected to have absolute confidence in the system and either accept it has it is with the human incompetency and resistance due to bias .. by ALL of you. I submitted two prior complaints 692186 & 707126 and if those were validated then maybe it wouldn't have gotten to this point. The HUD technician, John Burk, said that the majority of the vets on his case list are unable to make the first apt to apt transfer (and have to store their belongings and suspend the voucher, I'd presume) - but consider that point - if the unit fails inspection at renewal or some other time and the landlord doesn't fix the issue(s) and the state payments stop then what do you think would actually happen, Mr Hayes? Seriously! Do you thing a judge will see through the entire charade or just be safe and lean cultural and reinforce the position that it's a good opportunity to teach me a life lesson. You think I exaggerate? That has already happened to me in Adams County, Colorado in July 2015 - the landlord, a wealthy real estate broker as his "day job", lied under oath in a civil court case against a disabled person and a veteran. The judge specifically mentioned an article he read about the tight rental market. I walked away from my apt and my belongings and my assistance. I started all over. My type of disability isn't necessarily permanent, I get re-evaluated, and I began to tell people that who may not know but work in fields that involve knowing about my financial status so they can be comfortable with the fact that I receive disability pay.
How exactly are you being treated differently because of your sex?
She specifically said that "this was a good time for me to change" so the insinuation is that I must've did something wrong in my life. If I was female in a similar situation the accepted gender role would be that I was an actual victim of a real violent crime perpetrated by a man and that experience would be sympathized with. My disability and gender are associated in my case since I'm timid so (I think that) I'm perceived as weak. I am belittled & patronized by women on regular basis, (but that might not be too uncommon even outside of a mental impairment).
I believe women who want to verbally subdue me know that they can get me to raise my voice and then I can be accused of aggression and stigmatized as potentially violent. Note: The gender issue aspect of my circumstances was specifically addressed by a prior therapist of mine, Phil Darula in Westminster, CO, who has a masters in science & LLC & CACIII.
Also: I first spoke with her coworker, Joel, because she wasn't in the office at the appointment time. He told me that he's only worked there a month and also lived there. I talked with him about the notice and its illegality. I admitted that it would only be illegal if they tried to enforce the fine but they shouldn't threaten it either. He said he understood and we'd talk to the (lead) manager. In the meeting with her later, Joel reversed and began defending the fine. He brought up the physically disabled resident and that was meant to shame me since it otherwise only substantiated the point of the state law. They have already openly talked about my being on gov't assistance in proximity of other residents and applicants. There is no real comprehension of my safety in all of this, or if there is then the point is to put me more at risk. (I would think that if I were female then that wouldn't be the case.) People of my demographic are more likely to be victims of crime than average people: cite:
The idea of me being "vulnerable" is not acknowledged in any way by anyone involved. There lies the gender issue where I open up and be honest but it's used against me instead of being appreciated. I see it as people needing to continue with attrition against me until I give them justification for the stereotype, stigma of a bigot, violent, or whatever. Since I am usually alone then that must mean people don't trust me, not that I can't trust people and that would be reversed with gender reverse. I'm not perceived as being an innocent person. I won't mince words here, If I were a single woman on Section 8 then people are ok with that, for the most part.
How exactly are you being retaliated against?
Threat of losing my stable housing because I wouldn't agree that their fine was acceptable. As it stands now they may not renew my lease because I argued with the manager. I may have to move. That is a reality for me now. My elderly parents do not deserve to see their only son always be in such bad straits. I do have physical issues as well since I had reconstructive surgery on my left ankle when in the military. I might have to abandon some of my furniture this time if I have to move. I will probably end up having a permanent estrangement from my whole family. Again, I was to agree with her idea that the fine was legitimate or move out as far as she was concerned. Her supervisor might take her side in the issue. The building is both owned and managed by Columbia Residential so their point may be to never admit to any wrongdoing, and backing off the fine (at least with my knowing it) would be an admission. (The notice is still hung on the inside of the trash room door(s).) Their obvious goal would be to force me out now regardless. At this point the reasoning would be to make an example out of me.
Did other residents also receive the notice about the $100 fine posted on their doors as well?
If other residents did not receive the notice, why do you believe that only you received the notice?
Do you know if other residents discussed the notice with the manager?
If yes, how did the manager treat the other residents when they discussed the notice?
Did the manager put in writing that your lease wouldn't be renewed?
Did the manager put in writing that your recertification would not continue?
Did the manager put in writing that you may receive a Notice to Vacate?
Incidently, the author of this page was once instructed to not return to a Bible study group held by members of a local North metro area, working class populated church, for not agreeing with them that the Westboro Baptist Church was doing a good thing when they protested Matthew Shepard's funeral. (I told them that rest assured, the church would reveal their true colors in the future and they're now known to be a right-wing fringe organization.) I often take an unpopular position on many issues, but marginalized people have a right to free speech too!
Oh... The other point that my old counselor brought up to me was something that he understood that affected me out in the real world, is that it's a myth (was the exact word he used) that (racist) white people always give other white people preferential treatment. In reality sometimes the exact opposite is true. In all actuality, there are white people who will deliberately attempt to injure other white people (either physically or their reputation) ... or try to get the person to hurt themselves somehow. The reasoning is that if a white person is not racist, but is somehow crippled, then their influence on other white people (to be non-racist) becomes moot ... the goal for the racist white person is to cause the non-racist white person to give up on their values on that point and become more positive about being white. There was a part of my history that he referred to as an example for me. When I was young I was basically forced to quit a job that I had for only a few months. The supervisor and my coworkers wanted me to scapegoat an indigenous coworker for a few thousand dollars worth of water damage to a new townhouse that was caused by a new employee who was friends of one of the favored employees (both of them were white, as was the supervisor). They first blamed me for the damage but I didn't work on the plumbing fixture that leaked, it was the new employee his friend knew that. I was to take the blame or blame the Native employee (who I was friends with, actually) but instead I just quit. All of that was brought out of me by a prior therapist, incidentally, and he and my newer counselor understood one of the main problems that I was having as a young man.
It was also revealed in my therapy that my reason for joining the service (and it was the reason that my uncle and first cousin were both career military) was that the service provides some protection against that kind of collaboration among racist white people, but it still existed. The night when I was violently assaulted by a civilian man I was in a part of the city that I was unfamiliar with and I was trying to hitch-hike back to the naval station. The reason I was alone and lost was that I originally began the evening by going to the base E-club and ran into an acquaintance from my hometown. He convinced me to take a cab with him to go visit a mutual friend who moved out there to California too. When we got to the apartment our friend and his wife were already in bed and they had a baby sleeping in another room but said that we were welcome to stay the night in the living room. I wasn't happy with the idea and I figured that once it was daylight I'd just leave and make my way back to my ship. The problem was that my companion told our host to put some porn on for us to watch and I hated that! (I would have been ok with finding something to read instead, and I probably said as much, but they had the lights off.) I tried to deal with laying on the couch and try to sleep but I had to urinate and the thought of walking down their hallway to their bathroom was just too uncomfortable for me so I just left the apartment. As I was trying to make it back to the naval station a civilian man attacked me. There wasn't much I could do because he was a Black man and I didn't want to hurt him. It was a hate crime committed against me. When I got back to my ship's pier (we had temporary sleeping quarters of modular housing units on the pier since the ship was being refurbished in the shipyard) I ended up getting into a physical altercation with my shipmate friend when I tried to tell him what happened to me. I have a serious problem now with feeling trapped in small rooms with people. The women apartment managers get their kicks by luring me into their offices to where I am entirely at their mercy and nobody gives a flying fuck! If the roles were reversed where it was a woman tenant and two or three male managers wanted to crowd around her in a room then that most likely would be considered unacceptable by these HUD civil rights specialists. So it all has nothing to do with fair housing and equal rights but it's about retaliating against whatever token white man who is unfortunate enough to happen by. It's a Just World, & all that.
My older brother's death certificate who died at one month old in an USAF hospital in England. He had a treatable condition, infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS), and there's a surgical proceedure for it that was first performed in 1910.
Photograph of my old department crewmembers & I displaying our
Battle Efficiency Award onboard the now decommissioned USS Wabash AOR-5
If men were angels, no government would be necessary.
~ James Madison
"We want and are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens: The right to earn a living at work for which we are fitted by training and ability; equal opportunities in education, health, recreation, and similar public services; the right to vote; equality before the law; some of the same courtesy and good manners that we ourselves bring to all human relations."
~ (Dr.) Martin Luther King, Jr. from August 6, 1946 letter to editor of Atlanta newspaper.
The biggest danger to our rights today is not from government acting against the will of the majority
but from government which has become the mere instrument of this majority...
Wrong will be done as much by an all-powerful people as by an all-powerful prince.
~ James Madison
Class conflict is another concept which upsets the oppressors, since they do not wish to consider themselves an oppressive class. Unable to deny, try as they may, the existence of social classes, they preach the need for understanding and harmony between those who buy and those who are obliged to sell their labor. However, the unconcealable antagonism which exists between the two classes makes this "harmony" impossible. ~ Paulo Freire
Because it is a distortion of being more fully human, sooner or later being less human leads the oppressed to struggle against those who made them so. In order for this struggle to have meaning, the oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity (which is a way to create it), become in turn oppressors of the oppressors, but rather restorers of the humanity of both. ~ Paulo Freire
To impede communication is to reduce men to the status of "things"—and this is a job for oppressors, not for revolutionaries. ~ Paulo Freire
"Only a lively appreciation of dissent's vital function at all levels of society can preserve it as a corrective to wishful thinking, self-inflation, and unperceived rigidity"
The Wrong Way Home : Uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American society | by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D
ISBN 10: 0807029157 ISBN 13: 9780807029152
Force has no place where there is need of skill.
~ Herodotus
"Make a person disappear and no one will ever miss you." - Megadeth "Hook in Mouth"